Be that masked man (woman)

In last week’s KEY group, one of the Members began Significant Events with “Masks work!” He paused. I said “Wait, tell me more”.

Change the water we swim in

Every once in a while we get the opportunity to look at who we are being as individuals and it can be a difficult moment of awareness. Perhaps in those moments, we can go off in a room by ourselves and rethink our behavior. We can quietly ask for help from colleagues, friends or family […]

Celebrate May

There is something about May that screams celebration. Especially this year, with the long winter and late spring, it has been a riot of flowers, allergies and happy life events.

Just show up

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

There is a business proverb that I like to repeat, perhaps more often than others like to hear it:  “Showing up is 80% of success in life”. Google says that Woody Allen said it first. Well, there is a lot of truth to the statement, whether you like Allen or not. How many times do […]

Take time to notice

On autopilot, are we? We stumble out of bed in a sleepy fog at 0-dark-30 and get through our morning routine by habit (habit is good). Then somewhere after or during the morning shower or maybe not until we turn on the car after our morning caffeine, we begin to wake up. Do we take […]

Practicing what I preach

My Vistage Members don’t get out of a 1-2-1 without me asking Did you get exercise? Are you eating well? Did you get some creative time? They expect it, they anticipate it and they really do want to be asked. Part of business coaching focuses on those things we know how to do, but have […]

To come from love

At Chairworld, the gathering of 600+ Vistage Chairs from 22 countries, many of us were interviewed by a wandering video crew. I was asked to introduce myself, where I was from and how long I had been a Chair. They asked if there was one thing, one mantra or saying that I lived by. Oh […]

Giving feels good

Every second Sunday, I get together for brunch with a group of women committed to Dining for Women, an organization that supports women and children in extreme poverty outside the US. We each bring a dish and the money we might otherwise send eating out we give to the charity. Why do I do it? […]

Planned or unplanned?

We got up to Mammoth before the big dump on Friday night and woke up early to a foot of snow and more dropping. I couldn’t wait to get out the door! Season pass holders who got there at 7:30 got “early ups” an hour before everyone else would be allowed on the mountain. I […]

Are you a mentor?

Listening to Morning Edition on the way to Pilates, the host interviewed a former skinhead recruiter, Tony McAleer, who founded Life after Hate. He had been a violent young man from a middleclass family where discipline was physical and humiliating.  He stated that he didn’t have much empathy for others until he had his first […]