Committed to Growing as Leaders

This week my Chief Executive Vistage groups got together in person for the first time in 15 months. Wow! It was so sweet. There were so many lovely side conversations before starting, during breaks and sometimes during the meeting as people reconnected or met for the first time.

unintended benefits of PPP money

Has anyone studied the actual uses of the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loans/forgiveness? Because the pandemic totally devastated approximately 20% of the economy in sectors like travel, events, hotels and dining, it is hard to imagine how these industries have survived, or how the PPP money could have helped them for long. If they are […]

Do what only you can do

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

My new Vistage Member looked uncomfortable, well maybe downright unhappy. I was a brand new Vistage Chair and a little uncertain. I put down my notebook and just looked her in the eye and asked, “What’s wrong? You look pretty unhappy.” She sighed deeply.

What does the data tell us?

As the first year of Covid closes, what have we learned? What will we do again when the pandemic tamps down, and what will never come back? While we have our own lived experience, what does the broader data tell us about budget allocation?

Covid tests

We have been subjected to so many Covid tests, it is hard to put all of them in categories. And, I don’t mean getting that swab stuck up to my brain and down to my tonsils. Every day, Covid tests our leadership, our mindset and our health habits.


As we hunker down in Los Angeles for month 7 with COVID getting much worse across the country, I look for inspiration. What is working? How are other countries addressing it? Why are we here, now?

What can I control?

The good news is that not as many people are dying per number of new Covid cases.  Our amazing medical professionals and scientists are making progress there. The bad news is it feels the same as March and it’s almost October. We don’t have enough testing, we don’t have enough tracing and there is no […]

Hacks for mentoring

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

I was asked to follow up from last week’s post with more hacks for mentoring. New supervisors are often uncomfortable giving direction to those who just recently were peers. Being a first-time supervisor is probably the most difficult step in a leaders journey. So, let’s start with your mental game.

Mentor, don’t instruct

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

How often does someone try to delegate up to you? Hey boss, how do I get on the shared drive? Hey boss, what should I say to this difficult customer? Hey boss, should we get a different supplier?


Today is the Oscars. If you don’t live near Hollywood, you may not know that they close down Hollywood Boulevard for a week ahead and 2 days after the Oscars. This creates a traffic nightmare that we just move around like a school of fish turning around a rock. There have been billboards all over […]