“Plan” better habits

All you spontaneous types, listen up. If you want to have more energy, or get more focus, or be strategic not reactive, it won’t just happen. You have to plan better habits if you want to see change.
Not going back

Driving to an in-person meeting Friday morning through rush hour traffic, I realized that I was not going back to a daily commute. Luckily I was able to use my transponder to avoid about 10 minutes of super stop-and-go on the 10 freeway, and I got there on time. But, news to me: I don’t […]
Are you the CWO* of your company?

Many CEO’s that I work with as a Vistage Chair have a different reality from the title they show on their business cards. I call it the CWO- Chief “Whack-a-Mole” Officer.
Exhausted? Me, too….

What is it this week? The full moon waning? End of a quarter? Beginning of Autumn? Everyone seems exhausted. Me, too.

As we come out of the economic destruction of the pandemic, we struggle with scarcity in every part of the economy. Scarcity of raw materials, scarcity of transport, scarcity of components and scarcity of workers. Think this isn’t serious?
Exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed

The sign-in sheet for my group meeting was filled with feeling words and issues all related to members being exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed. Just as it seems we are about to come out of what seems like a decade of Covid, just as there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the way […]
Pandemic Moms

Covid statistics are everywhere these days. Women (read Moms) are taking themselves out of the workforce in such numbers that since February 2020, 2.3mm women have left the workforce v. 1.8mm men. 196,000 women lost their jobs in December which was 86.3% of the job loss.*
Shot of hope

Rain poured down at 5 p.m. as we joined the double-line of cars snaking into Dodger Stadium for our 5:10 appointments for the Moderna Covid vaccine. Paul plugged in his phone and we continued listening to the book we’ve been listening to on our long drives to Mammoth – the Splendid and the Vile – […]

A new year, turn over a new leaf, leave the pandemic behind….as we began January, hope was in the air. I was feeling motivated, focused, grateful.
Kindness and Miracles

The kids asked us recently what we want for Xmas, and honestly, I want nothing! I wipe the floor with the tears I shed in gratitude for all the blessings I have received in my life. Many charities are gasping to survive during the pandemic. What I want is kindness and miracles.