As we hunker down in Los Angeles for month 7 with COVID getting much worse across the country, I look for inspiration. What is working? How are other countries addressing it? Why are we here, now?
“Keeping on…”
It seems like the unrelenting anxiety that many of us felt around the election may be easing. Yet, even if you are a Biden supporter, the win didn’t make for any substantial change to the underlying cause of the stress. We still have a growing Covid pandemic that is devastating our people and the economy. […]
Find joy
I didn’t realize I was in a rut until outside forces changed my evergreen pandemic life-style. Wake up, work out or walk, or not. Get on zoom calls all day. Take the puppy out for 2 10 minute training walks. Make and eat dinner. Check emails. Go to bed. Repeat. With not much variation, that […]
Pandemic Patrick
Quick, before his tired parents bring him home from the hospital, say hello to Pandemic Patrick! Yes, he is a bit early and the last 2 days were extremely rough for his mama Melody. But, he is, 7 lbs, 22 inches, safe and healthy, and his whole family feels joyous!
Share your why
Given a choice, people do business with people and companies they like. If only Amazon has 2 day service, you might not win customers with a one week delivery schedule and no other compelling value. All things being equal, we tend to buy from people or brands we like or trust.
Blame Covid…
7 months into WFH, hey, we didn’t even have an acronym for Work from Home 7 months ago, yes well as I was saying, so much has changed, yet it seems the “hereness,” the sameness, the “no end in sight-ness” continues.
What can I control?
The good news is that not as many people are dying per number of new Covid cases. Our amazing medical professionals and scientists are making progress there. The bad news is it feels the same as March and it’s almost October. We don’t have enough testing, we don’t have enough tracing and there is no […]
Peer Pressure
“Hey girl, do you want a puff of this? “. “You know, everyone is doing it.” “Just try it once. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it.” Throwback to middle school….or every parent’s fears about their young kids experimenting with something that turns out to be dangerous, permanent or sends them […]
One small step
When I was developing my brand with the help of the amazing Emily Aiken of the Story Studio, I could not figure out how to structure my blog at Word Press. Neither Emily nor Michelle Sherman*, who were my accountable group, could fathom that I didn’t know how to take this one small step to […]
Think Systems
How often do you sigh when you contemplate a “kludgy” system that takes way too long to complete in your organization? Maybe it is billing a client, or accounting for scrap or completing then documenting a performance review. You don’t even want to start because it takes way too long to complete. Think systems. How […]