GPT – chat with me

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

If you are not exploring Chat-GPT and other applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), you are already way behind. Does it matter/? Well, yes! In my Vistage CEO meetings this month, we spent 2 hours discussing what they have discovered and how they are using it within their companies.  We learned from some of the smartest […]

Retaining your best team members


Layoffs in the tech sector, and fears of a recession have slowed down people jumping jobs. Perhaps a temporary lull according to Joe Galvin, Vistage Chief Research Officer. But, retaining your best team members should always be a high priority. Want some best practices around retention?

Celebrating your peers

Nora Group 4

It has been 4 years since the Vistage Members in L.A. county got together for a Vistage Executive Summit, and this was a super event. The hotel was great, staff was so friendly and so competent and it was great to meet Vistage Members who were not in your own group. Every Vistage Member takes […]

Give Finance some love

For most of the US, taxes were due last week. For most counties in California, all returns AND tax payments have been delayed until October. Yay for us, not so good for the tax preparers come September. So let’s give Finance some love now.

Learn new stuff

If you are feeling bored, frustrated, old, tired, stuck – any or all of the above, may I suggest you set a plan to learn some new stuff. Learning new stuff forces new neural pathways through your brain which keeps you younger and healthier. And, yes. you still need to drink lots of water and […]

The royal “we”

Are you annoyed when someone uses “we” instead of “I”? They purport to talk for all or at least to talk for YOU, when you are not in agreement? Doesn’t it trigger you right away? That is called the royal “we”. DIdn’t we fight a war of independence to get away from that?

“I” words

When you are in a leadership role, have you noticed the difference between using “you” words and using “I” words in your speech?

When does a leader emerge?

Usually, a situation, perhaps a crisis, demands a leader to merge. In the banking crises of the last 2 week, the FDIC, the Fed, and the President, all who have designated roles, emerged to address the situation. Top bank leaders emerged to back up First Republic (albeit with the deposits that fled to them from […]

Matching risk

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

What caused the demise of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)? Basically, they got caught not matching risk. Huh, what? Their loans were underwritten by long term bond investments which had fixed low return. As interest rates rose, they needed more assets to match risk and their customers were not depositing more cash since the VC spigot […]

Inflation hacks? Ask a boomer

1980 had to be the worst year for inflation rates in the last 100 years. They were over 10% and some months were over 14%. Home mortgages rates were over 18% for fixed and lots of home sellers were taking back a note at 12% -betting that rates would come down which they did a […]