Riding into 2021

If we all learned one thing in 2020, it was that we have darn little control over the waves we ride in on. Who knew last December that we would have a pandemic and all the economic effects that followed. We thought it would all blow over in 2 months and we would be back […]
Kindness and Miracles

The kids asked us recently what we want for Xmas, and honestly, I want nothing! I wipe the floor with the tears I shed in gratitude for all the blessings I have received in my life. Many charities are gasping to survive during the pandemic. What I want is kindness and miracles.
From -10 negativity to +10 positivity

I woke up this morning highly anxious. I must have been in one of my typical dreams of unsolvable dilemmas where I am completely unprepared and everyone is depending on me. Have you had these dreams also during the pandemic?

Travel used to be an automatic refresh for many of us. Even when we grumbled about one more business trip, there was always new places to look at, random conversations with fellow travelers, and new restaurants to explore. Plus, travel for pleasure was a big treat we looked forward to.
Focus, focus, focus!

As we near the end of the year, the distractions to focus are increasing not diminishing. Political instability is increasing not diminishing. The Covid crisis is increasing not diminishing. More people are hungry and losing jobs and unemployment is ending. What can we do?
Find joy

I didn’t realize I was in a rut until outside forces changed my evergreen pandemic life-style. Wake up, work out or walk, or not. Get on zoom calls all day. Take the puppy out for 2 10 minute training walks. Make and eat dinner. Check emails. Go to bed. Repeat. With not much variation, that […]
Pandemic Patrick

Quick, before his tired parents bring him home from the hospital, say hello to Pandemic Patrick! Yes, he is a bit early and the last 2 days were extremely rough for his mama Melody. But, he is, 7 lbs, 22 inches, safe and healthy, and his whole family feels joyous!
Set your rheostat for 85

Col. Nicole Malachowski USAF (retired) spoke to the Vistage Women in Leadership national conference on Friday. A fighter pilot and the first women to fly in the Air Force Thunderbirds, Col Malachowski later commanded the 333rd Fighter Squadron with over 1600 personnel. And more. Talk about an impressive career! While there were many, many take-aways […]
Digging deep

I’m tired of Covid. I’m tired of sheltering at home. I’m not sure what inning we are in, but we clearly aren’t playing any baseball. Or, any other group sport. Yet, people are still acting like they can get together and there won’t be consequences. And, more people die everyday. I am most tired of […]
Oxygen to breath

Breathe. Now through a mask. The irony of this pandemic is how much it relates to our breathing. With my chronic cough, breathing is not an idle issue, so perhaps I am more sensitive to the effects than others. I figure if I get Covid, I’m in deeper trouble than most. But this concern about […]