“Keeping on…”

It seems like the unrelenting anxiety that many of us felt around the election may be easing. Yet, even if you are a Biden supporter, the win didn’t make for any substantial change to the underlying cause of the stress. We still have a growing Covid pandemic that is devastating our people and the economy. […]

Find joy

I didn’t realize I was in a rut until outside forces changed my evergreen pandemic life-style. Wake up, work out or walk, or not. Get on zoom calls all day. Take the puppy out for 2 10 minute training walks. Make and eat dinner. Check emails. Go to bed. Repeat. With not much variation, that […]

One small step

When I was developing my brand with the help of the amazing Emily Aiken of the Story Studio, I could not figure out how to structure my blog at Word Press. Neither Emily nor Michelle Sherman*, who were my accountable group, could fathom that I didn’t know how to take this one small step to […]

Covid-19 versus well, everything

We are in the process of rethinking almost everything about how we lived up to March, 2020. Since the pandemic started, all our daily practices have been challenged. Here are a few: Work: How we work and where we work. Family – Who we see and who we don’t see, except electronically Travel: So taken […]

Digging deep

I’m tired of Covid. I’m tired of sheltering at home. I’m not sure what inning we are in, but we clearly aren’t playing any baseball. Or, any other group sport. Yet, people are still acting like they can get together and there won’t be consequences. And, more people die everyday. I am most tired of […]

Make at least a dollar

As the pandemic continues to tamp down sales for many businesses, tough decisions will have to be made. Many companies have used up all their PPP money keeping their team working, hoping we would reopen. Some businesses are doing better, and some have been okay all through this. No matter what you are going through, […]

Oxygen to breath

Breathe. Now through a mask. The irony of this pandemic is how much it relates to our breathing. With my chronic cough, breathing is not an idle issue, so perhaps I am more sensitive to the effects than others. I figure if  I get Covid, I’m in deeper trouble than most. But this concern about […]

Finding a mentor

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

If you work with someone or for someone, mentoring might be offered to you without your asking. For solo-preneurs or rising stars in an organization, you might have to go seek it. Here are some thoughts from the old hand about how should you go about asking.

Just show up

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

There is a business proverb that I like to repeat, perhaps more often than others like to hear it:  “Showing up is 80% of success in life”. Google says that Woody Allen said it first. Well, there is a lot of truth to the statement, whether you like Allen or not. How many times do […]

What is your BHAG?

Do you have a BHAG (a big hairy audacious goal)?  I found mine a few years ago.