Assume positive intent

Fraught conversations with people who do not feel safe is something we all have experienced since childhood. In order to protect ourselves, we prepare to be verbally savaged.  We stay awake at night planning retorts or revenge. Having a skillful verbal retort gets us some space to think and creates a momentary protective shield. Wait, […]

My everyday is their fabulous

A regular hike in Griffith Park takes us to a popular view spot of the Hollywood sign. We usually hear passing hikers speak many foreign languages on this hike, unlike the hike that goes right up our street. We enjoy asking people where they are from and take their group photo with the Hollywood sign […]

Your mind is a dangerous place

Nora Paller Blog

Have you recently sat quietly with your eyes closed and let your mind wander wherever it may? Perhaps you are meditating, or just breathing or giving yourself a moment to “quiet your mind.” Tell me, why is there a need to quiet the mind? Have you been paying attention to it lately?  Susan Scott, the […]

Your daily oasis

When I was a young, driven CEO with 2 small children, the idea of taking time for myself each day was laughable. My “me time” was the 3-4 times each week when I snuck in a run or an aerobics class. Other than that, it was work, family and chores.

Every day habits

Play that old game with me where you take a phrase and change the emphasis on the key word to explore how that changes the meaning. Let’s start with every day HABITS.

Without interruption

It occurs to me that one of the reasons I write a weekly blog, is that I get to tell a whole story without being interrupted. There is something satisfying about completing my entire thought without being diverted into someone else’s response/ thoughts before I finished. As someone who listens for a living, it made […]

Be a little wild

So much of our time is spent in controlled environments, we begin to believe we are in control of our world. Just around sunset, we had a visitor at our condo in Mammoth. This little bear was not particularly dangerous as it wandered through town looking for a trash can it could eat from. But, […]

Learn new stuff

If you are feeling bored, frustrated, old, tired, stuck – any or all of the above, may I suggest you set a plan to learn some new stuff. Learning new stuff forces new neural pathways through your brain which keeps you younger and healthier. And, yes. you still need to drink lots of water and […]

What is your legacy?

We spent a lovely sunset cruising the Newport Harbor celebrating the 80th birthday of our dear friend and fellow Vistage Chair – Rick Leckey. I was shocked to learn that Rick was 80 and when he joked he was really turning 60, I had to agree he looked that youthful. Going strong with no plans […]

Notice your habits

As you return from a lovely long weekend (hopefully all true), notice your good and bad habits perhaps exaggerated by the gift of more free time. The Black Friday sales blew up my inbox and I realized I was scrolling for a very long time each day this weekend. I must admit I bought a […]