Hear it from someone else

I was talking with a Senior Executive in an organization I knew well. He complained “Nora, I really resent it when you come to meet with the CEO.” “What, Why?” I asked, feeling upset and anxious. “Because, you tell him what we have been saying for years, and suddenly he announces he is going to […]
Who walks with you?

I’ve noticed that successful leaders have trouble asking for help. Years of being the one who others look to for answers may be part of the reason. Or, maybe it is a personality type that is drawn to leadership. At some point this becomes a less effective strategy, and it is time to seek the […]
Hate is easier

Hate is easier than love. I guess that is just how humans roll. Love can get you killed. The Bible/Torah says love thy neighbor as thy self. That we are told to do it says it is not easy or natural to do so.
Without interruption

It occurs to me that one of the reasons I write a weekly blog, is that I get to tell a whole story without being interrupted. There is something satisfying about completing my entire thought without being diverted into someone else’s response/ thoughts before I finished. As someone who listens for a living, it made […]
Celebrating your peers

It has been 4 years since the Vistage Members in L.A. county got together for a Vistage Executive Summit, and this was a super event. The hotel was great, staff was so friendly and so competent and it was great to meet Vistage Members who were not in your own group. Every Vistage Member takes […]
When does a leader emerge?

Usually, a situation, perhaps a crisis, demands a leader to merge. In the banking crises of the last 2 week, the FDIC, the Fed, and the President, all who have designated roles, emerged to address the situation. Top bank leaders emerged to back up First Republic (albeit with the deposits that fled to them from […]
Fear of being seen

From the time we are born, we are instructed in who we should be to be accepted. We learn not to cry for no reason, how to walk, where and when to eat and pee. Once we learn to talk, we are told when we can talk, when not to talk. As grown ups, we […]
Be-Do-Have strategy

In Vistage we have an exercise called be-do-have where in a particular situation you evaluate who are you being? what are you doing? and what do you have to get to a result? In relation to your goals for 2023, what is your be-do-have strategy?
Living on Hope

Entrepreneurs live like orchids who pull moisture out of the air to survive. They pull an idea out of thin air and make it a reality. They live in an alternate reality of the idea they can see in their heads. And, they make a few other people believe in their dream and become part […]

Duty is not a concept we discuss much these days. With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England this week, her example of duty to god and country has been widely honored, and seen as the passing of an era. Did the concept of duty pass with her? Duty was what got her generation […]