Pandemic Moms

Covid statistics are everywhere these days. Women (read Moms) are taking themselves out of the workforce in such numbers that since February 2020, 2.3mm women have left the workforce v. 1.8mm men. 196,000 women lost their jobs in December which was 86.3% of the job loss.*

Being in the Moment

Sitting on the floor with my big puppy draped across my legs happily chewing in his bone, I am totally in the moment. Peace and joy. He is always in the moment. Want to go for a walk? He is instantly ready. Rub his ears, he is all in. There is so much to learn […]

Riding into 2021

If we all learned one thing in 2020, it was that we have darn little control over the waves we ride in on. Who knew last December that we would have a pandemic and all the economic effects that followed. We thought it would all blow over in 2 months and we would be back […]

Focus, focus, focus!

As we near the end of the year, the distractions to focus are increasing not diminishing. Political instability is increasing not diminishing. The Covid crisis is increasing not diminishing. More people are hungry and losing jobs and unemployment is ending. What can we do?


As we hunker down in Los Angeles for month 7 with COVID getting much worse across the country, I look for inspiration. What is working? How are other countries addressing it? Why are we here, now?

Blame Covid…

7 months into WFH, hey, we didn’t even have an acronym for Work from Home 7 months ago, yes well as I was saying, so much has changed, yet it seems the “hereness,” the sameness, the “no end in sight-ness” continues.

Proceed as if….

This week’s events reinforce the pandemic’s severe impact on our country. If there ever was an illusion that this would go away by itself, or that testing without a distancing protocol and masks would be enough, that has been blown away by the super spreader event in the White House Rose Garden. We must proceed […]

One small step

When I was developing my brand with the help of the amazing Emily Aiken of the Story Studio, I could not figure out how to structure my blog at Word Press. Neither Emily nor Michelle Sherman*, who were my accountable group, could fathom that I didn’t know how to take this one small step to […]

Think Systems

How often do you sigh when you contemplate a “kludgy” system that takes way too long to complete in your organization? Maybe it is billing a client, or accounting for scrap or completing then documenting a performance review. You don’t even want to start because it takes way too long to complete. Think systems. How […]

Set your rheostat for 85

Col. Nicole Malachowski USAF (retired) spoke to the Vistage Women in Leadership national conference on Friday. A fighter pilot and the first women to fly in the Air Force Thunderbirds, Col Malachowski later commanded the 333rd Fighter Squadron with over 1600 personnel. And more. Talk about an impressive career! While there were many, many take-aways […]