BizPie Blog

The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.

“Keeping on…”

It seems like the unrelenting anxiety that many of us felt around the election may be easing. Yet, even if you are a Biden supporter,

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Find joy

I didn’t realize I was in a rut until outside forces changed my evergreen pandemic life-style. Wake up, work out or walk, or not. Get

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Pandemic Patrick

Quick, before his tired parents bring him home from the hospital, say hello to Pandemic Patrick! Yes, he is a bit early and the last

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Share your why

Given a choice, people do business with people and companies they like. If only Amazon has 2 day service, you might not win customers with

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Blame Covid…

7 months into WFH, hey, we didn’t even have an acronym for Work from Home 7 months ago, yes well as I was saying, so

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Proceed as if….

This week’s events reinforce the pandemic’s severe impact on our country. If there ever was an illusion that this would go away by itself, or

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What can I control?

The good news is that not as many people are dying per number of new Covid cases.  Our amazing medical professionals and scientists are making

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Peer Pressure

“Hey girl, do you want a puff of this? “. “You know, everyone is doing it.” “Just try it once. If you don’t like it,

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One small step

When I was developing my brand with the help of the amazing Emily Aiken of the Story Studio, I could not figure out how to

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Think Systems

How often do you sigh when you contemplate a “kludgy” system that takes way too long to complete in your organization? Maybe it is billing

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Set your rheostat for 85

Col. Nicole Malachowski USAF (retired) spoke to the Vistage Women in Leadership national conference on Friday. A fighter pilot and the first women to fly

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