Joyous holidays!

It is all a matter of perspective, isn’t it? Here is my 70 pound poodle looking twice my size. Is that the way your troubles look? May you and your family have joyous holidays and may we all be refreshed for the New Year! See you in 2023.

Walk for it!

As we went around the room expressing one thing for which we are grateful, the one most commonly repeated was for our health. In fact, one Vistage Member quoted an Indian proverb “A man with his health has 1000 dreams, a man without it has only one.” All heads nodded. So what are you doing […]

Take 5 minutes

Watching a beautiful sunrise this week, I stood in awe at the window and just breathed deeply. Totally in the moment, I did not plan my day, I did not think, I just took deep breaths and looked at the sunrise. SO simple, right? Take 5 minutes and just be in the moment.

Focus on fundamentals

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Fall is a time of transition. Daytime gets shorter, temperatures drop. This year seems more transitional with inflation, midterm elections, the war in Ukraine. SO much going on outside that we cannot control. It seems like a good time to focus on what we can control – focus on the fundamentals.

Community in action

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Watching the scary, dangerous, horribly damaging hurricane Ian devastate Florida and beyond was tragic. Many people will never be able to come back financially, and from the emotional trauma of this event. The only good thing was to see all the people who reached out to help – to see community in action.


This has been one of the toughest weeks I’ve had in 30 years. Perhaps you noticed that I did not post last week. I was knocked out with COVID and sleeping 20 hours a day. It got worse on Monday and I went to the ER where they gave me  IV fluids and assured me […]

Moving too fast?

Moving too fast? Not me. If I want to know something – the population of Mauritius- for example, I google it.* If I’m thinking of someone, I text. If I want to meet with someone, I send them an invite. My phone is closer to me than my husband and children. Not emotionally, but physically, […]

What do Fathers get to do?

What do Fathers get to do?  – Drop a few ingredients and check in later. “Hey, babe, how’s the pie cooking?”

Is your normal “normal”?

The acupuncturist pushed her thumbs into the side of my hip and I yelped in pain. Acute, sharp pain. As she worked that area it was excruciating. When I went home I felt it open up and I was able to stretch it out. Three weeks later she did it again. How could I feel […]

Ahh Mothers’ Day – it’s complicated

“Wait til you have your own kids!” said my Mom and, “I hope you have 12 kids just like you!” And after a day spent with my young children she said, “Oh, my g-d, they are just like you!” 10 years to the day after she died, I still relish the comments my Mom made […]