What do Fathers get to do?

What do Fathers get to do? – Drop a few ingredients and check in later. “Hey, babe, how’s the pie cooking?”
Is your normal “normal”?

The acupuncturist pushed her thumbs into the side of my hip and I yelped in pain. Acute, sharp pain. As she worked that area it was excruciating. When I went home I felt it open up and I was able to stretch it out. Three weeks later she did it again. How could I feel […]
Ahh Mothers’ Day – it’s complicated

“Wait til you have your own kids!” said my Mom and, “I hope you have 12 kids just like you!” And after a day spent with my young children she said, “Oh, my g-d, they are just like you!” 10 years to the day after she died, I still relish the comments my Mom made […]
Commit to joy

Two things came together in my decision to make a Key Lime Slab Pie today: 1. I’ve been eyeing the Key Limes dropped around my neighbors tree unused for the last week, and 2. I bought Paul a ceramic pie slab and rolling pin for Christmas. You are probably wondering if Paul was the real […]
People are people everywhere

On our first day in Cairo, the tour guide greeted us with an eye rolling cliche – people are people everywhere. He continued: we want you to get to know the people of Egypt, not just our amazing historical buildings. Our guide in Jordan echoed similar sentiments.
Survival of the fitter

Perhaps you have hear the phrase from Darwin of survival of the fittest. It was a paraphrase of his studies of animal behavior all over the world. Perhaps you have also heard the story of the 2 guys lost in the jungle who hear a tiger roar. The first guy says we better run faster […]
Getting old?

There are many ways in which all of us are aging, but are you getting old? I didn’t think of myself as old before the pandemic when being over 65 became a dangerous health condition. I worked long hours. I skied hard. I felt good most of the time. As a Vistage Chair, I was […]
It’s spooky

Halloween decorations went up in my neighborhood mid-September. Finally, we have arrived to the BIG DAY, and thank goodness! The witches and spiders and pumpkins in my yard are beginning to look a bit tired and bedraggled.
Exhausted? Me, too….

What is it this week? The full moon waning? End of a quarter? Beginning of Autumn? Everyone seems exhausted. Me, too.
Click refresh

You refresh your computer. More emails show up. You get new information. How many times each day do you refresh your computer? What about yourself?