Retire to?

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

With several successful sales among Members of my groups, a new question has arisen, what to retire to?

Plot it!

We got one of those calls last Sunday morning that you do not look forward to – Paul’s cousin, Dennis Connolly had stopped breathing at the rehab center. Almost 82 years old, he left no children – Paul was his closest relative. What now?

To Moms and Momalas and Aunties and G’mas

Today is that day that my Mom always dismissed as a Hallmark Holiday. To her, it was a made-up day to sell greeting cards. For the florists, it may be the beginning of recovery from the pandemic. And for many it is a reminder of something or someone they miss.

Get out of my own way

A few days ago I realized that once again, it was me that was holding me up. It was time to get out of my own way, again. Sigh.


Nora Paller BizPie Blog

From the time I was young and impatient to be a teenager and then an adult and then a manager and then an owner and then to sell and so on, I wondered if there would ever be a time when I was content to just be. At 66 years old, the answer is still […]

Covid based budgeting

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Is it a lack of imagination? I got my second covid vaccine on Friday and I’m wondering: what changes?

From the heart

I bolted awake at 4:30 this morning. My heart was pumping, my eyes shot open and I was flooded with joy. I reached over and held Paul’s arm gently, not wanting to wake him. The joy of a safe arrival of a new baby in the family. Our granddaughter,Olive, joined this world at 1:30 p.m. […]

Shot of hope

Rain poured down at 5 p.m. as we joined the double-line of cars snaking into Dodger Stadium for our 5:10 appointments for the Moderna Covid vaccine. Paul plugged in his phone and we continued listening to the book we’ve been listening to on our long drives to Mammoth – the Splendid and the Vile – […]


A new year, turn over a new leaf, leave the pandemic behind….as we began January, hope was in the air. I was feeling motivated, focused, grateful.

Being in the Moment

Sitting on the floor with my big puppy draped across my legs happily chewing in his bone, I am totally in the moment. Peace and joy. He is always in the moment. Want to go for a walk? He is instantly ready. Rub his ears, he is all in. There is so much to learn […]