Retire to?

With several successful sales among Members of my groups, a new question has arisen, what to retire to?
Plot it!

We got one of those calls last Sunday morning that you do not look forward to – Paul’s cousin, Dennis Connolly had stopped breathing at the rehab center. Almost 82 years old, he left no children – Paul was his closest relative. What now?
To Moms and Momalas and Aunties and G’mas

Today is that day that my Mom always dismissed as a Hallmark Holiday. To her, it was a made-up day to sell greeting cards. For the florists, it may be the beginning of recovery from the pandemic. And for many it is a reminder of something or someone they miss.
Get out of my own way

A few days ago I realized that once again, it was me that was holding me up. It was time to get out of my own way, again. Sigh.

From the time I was young and impatient to be a teenager and then an adult and then a manager and then an owner and then to sell and so on, I wondered if there would ever be a time when I was content to just be. At 66 years old, the answer is still […]
Covid based budgeting

Is it a lack of imagination? I got my second covid vaccine on Friday and I’m wondering: what changes?
From the heart

I bolted awake at 4:30 this morning. My heart was pumping, my eyes shot open and I was flooded with joy. I reached over and held Paul’s arm gently, not wanting to wake him. The joy of a safe arrival of a new baby in the family. Our granddaughter,Olive, joined this world at 1:30 p.m. […]
Shot of hope

Rain poured down at 5 p.m. as we joined the double-line of cars snaking into Dodger Stadium for our 5:10 appointments for the Moderna Covid vaccine. Paul plugged in his phone and we continued listening to the book we’ve been listening to on our long drives to Mammoth – the Splendid and the Vile – […]

A new year, turn over a new leaf, leave the pandemic behind….as we began January, hope was in the air. I was feeling motivated, focused, grateful.
Being in the Moment

Sitting on the floor with my big puppy draped across my legs happily chewing in his bone, I am totally in the moment. Peace and joy. He is always in the moment. Want to go for a walk? He is instantly ready. Rub his ears, he is all in. There is so much to learn […]