Covid based budgeting
Is it a lack of imagination? I got my second covid vaccine on Friday and I’m wondering: what changes?
Blame someone
Forgive me for getting political for a hot second. It has a business purpose. The impact of the terrible power and water outage in Texas was made worse when the Governor’s first reaction was to blame someone. And, who did he blame? The stoppage of wind and solar which was 1/10th of the power in […]
From the heart
I bolted awake at 4:30 this morning. My heart was pumping, my eyes shot open and I was flooded with joy. I reached over and held Paul’s arm gently, not wanting to wake him. The joy of a safe arrival of a new baby in the family. Our granddaughter,Olive, joined this world at 1:30 p.m. […]
Pandemic Moms
Covid statistics are everywhere these days. Women (read Moms) are taking themselves out of the workforce in such numbers that since February 2020, 2.3mm women have left the workforce v. 1.8mm men. 196,000 women lost their jobs in December which was 86.3% of the job loss.*
Shot of hope
Rain poured down at 5 p.m. as we joined the double-line of cars snaking into Dodger Stadium for our 5:10 appointments for the Moderna Covid vaccine. Paul plugged in his phone and we continued listening to the book we’ve been listening to on our long drives to Mammoth – the Splendid and the Vile – […]
Being in the Moment
Sitting on the floor with my big puppy draped across my legs happily chewing in his bone, I am totally in the moment. Peace and joy. He is always in the moment. Want to go for a walk? He is instantly ready. Rub his ears, he is all in. There is so much to learn […]
Riding into 2021
If we all learned one thing in 2020, it was that we have darn little control over the waves we ride in on. Who knew last December that we would have a pandemic and all the economic effects that followed. We thought it would all blow over in 2 months and we would be back […]
Covid tests
We have been subjected to so many Covid tests, it is hard to put all of them in categories. And, I don’t mean getting that swab stuck up to my brain and down to my tonsils. Every day, Covid tests our leadership, our mindset and our health habits.
From -10 negativity to +10 positivity
I woke up this morning highly anxious. I must have been in one of my typical dreams of unsolvable dilemmas where I am completely unprepared and everyone is depending on me. Have you had these dreams also during the pandemic?
Travel used to be an automatic refresh for many of us. Even when we grumbled about one more business trip, there was always new places to look at, random conversations with fellow travelers, and new restaurants to explore. Plus, travel for pleasure was a big treat we looked forward to.