Is your normal “normal”?

The acupuncturist pushed her thumbs into the side of my hip and I yelped in pain. Acute, sharp pain. As she worked that area it was excruciating. When I went home I felt it open up and I was able to stretch it out. Three weeks later she did it again. How could I feel […]

BIZ PIE – ingredients

I was asked recently why I called my company BIZPIE. As I paused to compose a response, a swirl of thoughts, memories and long held opinions jumbled up in my head. Like a fog that suddenly cleared, it came to me – because running a business is so darn hard.

Start Stop Continue

In Vistage, we commonly use the start, stop, continue exercise for feedback – from our peers in the peer group meetings or with our teams as a way to gain awareness of behaviors that make us easier/harder to work with.

Most/least likely

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Whatever scenario you predicted was most likely or at least probable 6 months ago is probably not worth the paper it was written on. But then again, who uses paper these days?

Say “no” to clients

Does it scare you to say “no” to clients? This is the time to try it with great consideration for the consequences. Many times when you or your sales team says yes, the internal cost is extremely high. With the supply chain disrupted, salaries going up, price of gas soaring, etc., anything out of your […]

Ahh Mothers’ Day – it’s complicated

“Wait til you have your own kids!” said my Mom and, “I hope you have 12 kids just like you!” And after a day spent with my young children she said, “Oh, my g-d, they are just like you!” 10 years to the day after she died, I still relish the comments my Mom made […]

Life expectancy – yours

If you look up a life expectancy calculator like this one, and you put in your birthdate it will tell you on average how may more years you should live. Despite our arrogant human hubris that we will live forever, there will be an end one day. I know, not for you.

Strategy x scheduling

Nora Paller BizPie Blog

Sunday night you sit down and plan your whole week. You put the big rocks in first – the most important but not urgent long term thinking time. Maybe, you schedule 2  2-hour blocks on Tuesday and Thursday at your best thinking times for that long range project you never seem to get to. Then […]

Make it visual

The states shown in blue above have a smaller population than Los Angeles County*. I was floored when I saw this visual that in one glance explained so much (good and bad) about my world. Yes, I knew that L.A. County was the most populous at 9.8 million and that Cook county in Illinois was […]

R.I.P. to J.I.T.

If you have any involvement in supply chain you know it is broken….maybe irretrievably. Forgive me if I say it out loud: R.I.P. to J.I.T.