BizPie Blog
The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.
Paint the picture
When you are speaking to your team and you want them to remember a point and actualize the behavior required, do you paint the picture?
Just 3 things
I had my yearly physical this week and my doctor said there were just 3 things I should focus on: sleep, exercise and eating healthy.
Mulally is Magic
Friday, Vistage launched a one hour interview by Sam Reese, Vistage’s CEO, with Alan Mulally who led Boeing for many profitable years and then turned
From Fireworks to Drones
Happy Independence Day! It seems like another commodity is in short supply. Due to lack of materials and labor shortages, many communities have cancelled their
Reunited, and it feels so good!
This weekend, about 85 Vistage Chairs with over 10 years of mastery got together in Boulder or on zoom to nourish our souls and fan
What do Fathers get to do?
What do Fathers get to do? – Drop a few ingredients and check in later. “Hey, babe, how’s the pie cooking?”
Is your normal “normal”?
The acupuncturist pushed her thumbs into the side of my hip and I yelped in pain. Acute, sharp pain. As she worked that area it
BIZ PIE – ingredients
I was asked recently why I called my company BIZPIE. As I paused to compose a response, a swirl of thoughts, memories and long held
Start Stop Continue
In Vistage, we commonly use the start, stop, continue exercise for feedback – from our peers in the peer group meetings or with our teams
Most/least likely
Whatever scenario you predicted was most likely or at least probable 6 months ago is probably not worth the paper it was written on. But
Say “no” to clients
Does it scare you to say “no” to clients? This is the time to try it with great consideration for the consequences. Many times when
Ahh Mothers’ Day – it’s complicated
“Wait til you have your own kids!” said my Mom and, “I hope you have 12 kids just like you!” And after a day spent
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