The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.
“Nora posts every Sunday. Her posts are short, sweet, and immediately actionable!”
Nora shares her insights!

VUCA Prime
- Category: Management Focus, Uncategorized
Last week I talked about VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. The term comes out of Software Development where waterfall programming (developing the whole software before testing) got lapped by...

VUCA it is!
VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It’s a framework used to describe situations that are unpredictable and rapidly changing. Well, doesn’t that sound like...

Age as an excuse
- Category: Living Well, Mindset, Overcome Obstacles, Time Management, Uncategorized
I really have a hard time accepting it when people use age as an excuse. “I’m too old to take the stairs.” “I’m too old to learn how to use...

Plan sooner
- Category: Time Management, Uncategorized
What if you pretended that it was already Dec 31, 2025? What if you were already planning strategy for 2026? What would you want to have accomplished in 2025 to...

- Category: Accountability, Living Well, Overcome Obstacles, Uncategorized
You may have started the year with earnest resolutions to eat less, exercise more, spend more time with loved ones, etc., and now it is one month in to the...
Focus on your strategy
- Category: Management Focus
This first week of the new administration in Washington has been full of executive orders, firings, pardons for convicted felons, termination of programs extant since the 1960’s, and senate confirmation...

The quality question
- Category: Communication, Leadership, Making better decisions
If you want to get better results, you may think you need to get better answers. Let’s go a little deeper here. Suppose that the question asked is the question...

Los Angeles – we will rise!
- Category: Leadership, Living Well, Overcome Obstacles, Uncategorized
The helicopters are still circling. The winds are coming back. The fires are not out. Houses are gone. People are still evacuated. The houses that remain are smoke damaged. No...

Containers around the world
- Category: The Economy, Uncategorized
Living near L.A-Long Beach, the largest port in the US, I’ve seen a lot of containers being moved. I’ve toured the port and been up in the big crane facilities...

Revisiting Sydney
- Category: Living Well, Uncategorized
It was Sept. 2000, when I flew to Sydney for the summer Olympics. It was my 3rd Olympics, having attended L.A. in 1984 and Barcelona in 1992. I was over...

Happy holidays!
- Category: Living Well, Uncategorized
It is all a matter of perspective, isn’t it? Here is my 70 pound poodle looking twice my size. Is that the way your troubles look? Keeping up with all...

Desperately seeking peace and quiet?
- Category: Living Well, Overcome Obstacles, Uncategorized
Is turning your brain off enough to go to sleep a problem for you? Or, are you waking up in the middle of the night and awake for hours? How...
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