BizPie Blog
The BizPie Blog gives expert advice for executives to help make better decisions, improve your team, and balance professional & personal life.
How much of your business can you run without IT?
You’ve heard the stories of companies being attacked by a cryptovirus that shut down their computers. They were told to pay a ransom, usually with
What will you do when you retire?
Asking a group of business owners what they will do when they retire, you get a lot of quick retorts: “Who me, I’ll never retire!”
Have you played hooky lately?
We all live by our calendar, right? It keeps us mercifully on track and makes us the ultra-productive human beings we aspire to be. Thus,
Is multi-tasking working for you?
Vistage Speaker Larry Haas spoke to my KEY group this week on Unmasking Multi-tasking. He thoroughly convinced the group through a hands on exercise that multi-tasking
How does innovation occur in your organization?
Is it random? lucky? At the whim of the founder?
How much unscheduled time have you put in your schedule?
Does unscheduled time show up for you very often? You know, 2 hours with nothing to do and the freedom to do whatever you want.
Are you a crazy entrepreneur?
Reading Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, I was reminded over and over of how crazy entrepreneurs are. First off, they are trying to create something
Who vets your decisions?
When you have an important decision to make, do you make it by yourself?Do you talk to other people on your management team? Or,
If you were starting your business today, what would you do differently?
So many new businesses in old industries are successful because of the assumptions they disrupt: how we buy books (or anything), how we get from
What is the attitude you are choosing?
Friday, I attended the Grand Guarantee Conference put on by Western Waterworks for their vendors and customers.They had a Keynote speaker Walter Bond who spoke
How do you stay in the conversation when it gets tense?
So, the issue is critical, the relationship is important and you totally disagree. Now what? Having the conversational capacity and the tools to structure the
Are you training your people to beat the competition?
The Q4 Vistage CEO Confidence Survey stated that …”the expected upsurge in business prospects have given a new urgency to finding, hiring, training, and retaining
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